This means countless hours poring over facts and figures, writing memos, attending meetings and working late in a tiny little cubbyhole you call your office. More than likely, your business school professors never told you about that part of this glamorous job. Nonetheless, it falls to your sense of duty to get comfortable behind your desk and scratch your head while reading a memo from the Accounting Department which states, "this doesn't add up". In order to get things done, you simply cannot afford to spend that much time in the bullpen or on the shop floor, right? Wrong... WAY wrong!
If there is one thing to learn from Machiavelli's The Prince, besides when it is politically advantageous to not be cruel, it is that of being present. No prince can rule from a foreign land. It doesn't matter what systems are in place, things will naturally break down if people don't hear from, and most importantly SEE their leader. You physically have to present yourself to your team to say "I'm here".

Occasionally getting up and walking around for no particular reason is actually a very effective management tool. Years ago, Tom Peters wrote about this activity and called it Management By Wandering Around (MBWA). Though, we have seen this practiced throughout history where great leaders such as Abraham Lincoln would "pop in" and make their presence known. The intent is simply to see what's going on. In the course of doing so, you will identify issues that need your attention as well as come in contact with those who can fix overlooked problems; your employees.
To be clear, I'm not talking about micro-managing, skulking behind the office planter or crawling on all fours from cubicle to cubicle. The point is to be noticed. Members of a team often see only their specific function and simply may not recognize a problem for what it is. Not only is this a good point to delegate someone to eliminate an issue before it grows fangs, it is also an opportunity to interact with the rest of the crew. They fully expect there to be guidance from one who is more experienced, but will grow to resent your absence. Without your presence, they will start making their own productivity decisions that may not be in line with that of the company.
From a point of morale, people want to know the leader is there. They want their work to be validated and the workers to be appreciated for their effort. It is important we praise their actions and give correction where needed. We also need to connect with people on a human level. Asking such questions as "how was your weekend?", "did your son do well at the track meet?" and "do you have pictures of your sister's wedding?" is not a waste of time. This seemingly idle chit-chat leads to respect and trust. These are two things that must flow in either direction if a team is to be successful.
Notice, Peter labels this as "wandering". There is no set time, course or agenda for this movement. It's simply walking around your department to see what's there. This could be in the morning or afternoon, or both. Carrying a pen and small notepad probably isn't a bad idea either. During your leisurely stroll, take the time to interact with the people who make you look good by asking them if there is anything they need from you. Initially, your employees will be down right puzzled by your daily jaunts, but after a week or two, they will be use to it and view them as normal behavior. In fact, they will anticipate your arrival and many times have questions or concerns for you to address. Many of these issues would never have come to your attention had you not made yourself available to your team.
Blaine Little
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