What does the end of 2016 mean? It’s
time to start thinking about our ambitions for 2017. (Pssst, it's just a number). According to a recent
article in Forbes Magazine, only 8% of Americans actually achieve
their New Year’s resolutions each year. Yikes! Statistically speaking (92% to be
exact) I will NOT achieve my 2017 goals. Now what? Well what is a "goal"
any way? It's a dream we write down on a piece of paper to make us feel like we
have accomplished something, or that we're at least on our way. In short,
we get a certain short-term satisfaction for having done something
positive that day. We believe we are beginning to take charge of our lives! Sadly, reviewing our
little wish lists, is not taking action. And what were we doing the REST of the year, anyway?
Of course, you could scrap those goals all together, and
simply BECOME the person you want to be, irrespective of the number on the calendar. That's right, simply take on the
disciplines and behaviors of the top sales rep in your company, act as if you
were already regional manager, or earned that coveted industry designation. We can incorporate the aspects of a positive
personality TODAY, and that will get us to where we want to be a whole lot
faster than a "wish list" on a slip of paper. In order for us to redesign our lives, it's going
to take... wait for it... CHANGE. Perhaps we avoid change not
only out of complacency, but more the fact that to change today is to
admit we were wrong yesterday. It’s a vicious cycle, but we can break it
by becoming, rather than planning. That’s something we can do that any time of
the year!
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